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Elementary Education System in Manipur
Until 1878, there were no primary schools for formal education in Manipur. Efforts of Captain Gordon and Major General W.F. Nuthal, the political agents to open vernacular schools failed because of negative public responses. As a result, the growth of primary education was very slow. In course of time, Maharaj Chandra Kirti gave his consent to Sir James Johnstone for establishing an English School in 1885 at Imphal. Later on the school was known as Johnstone Middle English School.
During 1893-95, four Lower Primary Schools, three in Imphal and one in the hill area at Mao were opened. In those times only boys joined the school as people were not willing to send girl children to school. In spite of such prejudice against female education, a separate Girls’ Primary school was established in 1899 at Imphal. Only 12 girls came forward to join the school.
The Department of Education was established in 1910.The first batch of students appeared in the Matric examination at Sylhet in 1909 as there were no high schools in Manipur in those days. In 1921 Johnstone M.E. School was upgraded to High School level and it was affiliated to Calcutta University. During 1931-41 many more High Schools came up as there was an increase in demand for more schools.
During 1939 - 1943, education in Manipur was greatly affected because of the outbreak of World War II. However, after World War-II there has been a sharp increase both in the number of schools and enrollment in Manipur. In the year 2005-06 the enrolment in class (I-V) was 3,62,999 in 2521 primary schools and that of class VI - VIII became 1,17,370 in 807 upper primary schools.